Injection Molding

For Production Process Real-Time Data Collection and Data Analytics with AI/ML Capabilities on the Edge or the Cloud.

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With the Injection Molding Market-Ready Kit, you can monitor your Injection Molding Machine and send all of the information to your network, ERP System or other business intelligence software. It is a NO CODE, plug-and-play solution.


  • Job Duration
  • Material Used
  • Material Dew Point
  • Material Flow Rate
  • Material Level in Hopper
  • Thermolater Flow Rate
  • Average Manifold Temperature
  • Fluid Temperature (to and from Manifold)
  • Average Hopper Temperature, Humidity
  • Set Up Time, Hold Time, Cool Down Time
  • Amount of Material Used Per Job, Per Hour or Per Minute
  • Number of Units Yielded Per Job
  • Cost Per Unit, Cost Per Run (Material and Energy)
  • Environmental Factors (Temperature, Humidity)
  • Machine Utilization/Uptime


    • Monitor machine characteristics for anomolies during production run.
    • Adjust machine settings in real-time to keep desired manifold and hopper temperature maintained.
    • Compare output and product quality based on material used.
    • Compare output and product quality of various machines.
    • Root cause product nonconformance caused by equipment deviations.
    • Pinpoint equipment deviations for predictive maintenance and repairs.
    • Monitor usage for production scheduling and energy efficiency.
    • Forecast and track per run production cost (including energy cost)
    • Track environmental effects on product quality and machine performance.
    • Check machine usage hours to trigger notification for routine maintenance.
    • Run simulations to see what changes in the process yield efficiencies.
    • Get OEE numbers for each machine.


The data collected is so fine-grained that equipment feature deviations can be specifically targeted in real-time. Having such detailed data also assists in upgrading equipment predictive maintenance programs, as well as focused troubleshooting relating to equipment.


  • 1 Edge Node or Intelligent Edge Node
  • 1 Hopper Temperature, Humidity Sensor
  • 1 Hopper Material Level Sensor
  • 1 Manifold Thermocouple Data Converter
  • 1 Environmental Sensor
  • 8 Flow Meters for Thermolators
  • 1 Power Sensor Module
  • 1 Computer Tablet for Operator Data Entry